Glastonbury The Burrow
Glastonbury The Burrow 2025 Booking Information
To make a booking for Glastonbury The Burrow select your accommodation from the options below.
You must purchase OFFICIAL GLASTONBURY tickets from the festival to use our service. Festival tickets are NOT included in any of the prices below.
Official Glastonbury website ticket Info
Pre-Order Drinks
Please keep your Glastonbury Festival Ticket with you at all times, you will need this when going in and out of the festival site.
Click here for Glastonbury Festival travel information
Check in times.
Wednesday 8am - 12 midnight
Thursday 8am - 12 midnight
Friday 8am - 12 midnight
Saturday 8am - 4pm
Sunday 8am - 1pm
To speed up check-in please ensure you bring your Tangerine Fields Booking Reference Number. (ie. TF-01234)
Any problems finding us or if you think you will arrive outside of the check in times call our on-site team on (number to follow) This number will only be available from Wednesday, 8am. Any enquiries before this time should be directed to our office via [email protected] quoting your booking reference number
Please vacate our campsite by 12 midday Monday
The Burrow is located in a private field outside the main festival grounds on Lower Westholme Road, (just off the A361).
Click here to see our Car Park & Campsite Entrance on Googlemaps
To enter the festival you will walk approx 1200m through the festival car parks alongside Lower Westholme Road, cross over the A361 at the temporary crossing point and enter the festival via Pedestrian Gate A or D and you can follow the car park lighting to reach them.
Click here to see Pedestrian Gates A & D on the Festival Map
Please also see the map on this page below highlighting the Burrow in relation to Bronze gate & Pedestrian Gate A.
Please keep your Glastonbury Festival Ticket with you at all times, you will need this when going in and out of the festival site.
Follow the signage to Bronze Gate as you approach the festival. Do not enter Bronze Gate but take the turning opposite up Lower Westholme Road and our Car Park entrance is a short way up the road on the right opposite Pink Car Park field 49 on the Festival Map.
Car Park passes must be purchased in advance from the accessories section. Only vehicles with car park passes purchased from Tangerine Fields in advance will be allowed access to our car park.
Click here for the festival car map
The entrance to Tangerine Fields Car Park is on Lower Westholme Road opposite Pink Car Park on the car map
Once at the festival bus station you will need to head to Bronze Gate and cross over the A361 at the pedestrian crossing into Pink Car Park. Walk through Pink Car Park, keeping to the right, and exit onto Lower Westholme Road. Turn right and our campsite entrance is a short walk down on the opposite side of the road.
*** Please print out a copy of the car map on the above link so that you make sure you walk the most direct route ***
Please bring your booking confirmation email with you and direct your driver to our car park entrance on Lower Westholme Road, just off the A361.
Tangerine Cafe and Bar
Providing you your morning coffee, some lovely food and festival beers we will be opening the Tangerine Cafe and Bar at our Glastonbury Festival campsite.
Toilets and Showers
Our campers will have the exclusive use of private hot showers and toilet facilities. Hairdryers, straighteners and hairtongs are available at our in-camp Pamper Parlour.
Car Park
Tangerine Fields have our own car park located in our campsite.
To stay in our car park you do not need to buy a Glastonbury Car Park Pass from the festival as well, you only need to book a car park pass from us for access to our car park.
Click here to see the Glastonbury car map
The entrance to Tangerine Fields Car Park is on Lower Westholme Road, opposite Pink Car Park marked on the car map
Age Restrictions
Persons aged 17 and under must be accompanied by an adult of 18 or over.
Proof of Age
The only accepted proof of ID documents that will be accepted are: Passport / Photocard Driving License (Inc. provisional) / Pass scheme Proof Of Age Card / Birth Certificate (Not acceptable for the purchase of alcohol) / Northern Ireland Electoral Identity Card (Photocopies will not be accepted)
Festival Information
Glastonbury Festival is the largest greenfield music and performing arts festival in the world. More than 170,000 people will see over 700 acts on over 80 stages. The huge site, located in the beautiful Vale of Avalon in Somerset, covers 900 acres and takes about an hour to walk from side to side.
Glastonbury is like lots of different festivals converging on the same gorgeous countryside for the weekend. Best known for its contemporary music, the festival also features dance, comedy, cabaret, and many other arts. There's also family oriented areas like the Kidz Field, the Theatre and Circus fields.
No other festival comes close to the unique atmosphere and the sheer size and scale of Glastobury. From watching the biggest bands on the Pyramid and Other stages, magical moments can also be found in Jazz World, the Dance Village and in the famous Green Fields.
Website - www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk
Choose your pre-pitched tent and essentials
Bell Tents

Bell Tent (for 2-4 people)

Bell Tent (for 3-6 people)

Furnished Bell Tent (for 2-4 people)

Emperor Bell Tent (for 4-8 people)
Luxury Boutique

Baby Bubble (for 2 people)

Bubble Bell (for 2-4 people)

Touareg Tent (for 2-6 people)

Vanaheim Emperor (for 4-8 people)
Vintage Tents
Festival tickets are not included in the price